Learning the Shell, Fall 2022

Course: COMP 141-001 / COMP 400D-001 Intro to Computing Tools and Techniques
Level: Undergraduate and Graduate
Instructor: Daniel Moreira (dmoreira1@luc.edu)
Teaching Assistant: Olga Velichko (ovelichko@luc.edu)
Lectures: Asynchronous and fully remote on Sakai
Office Hours: WED, 5 to 8 PM, and FRI, 4 to 5 PM, by appointment
Grades are now available.
Despite the current era of rich graphical user interfaces (desktop, web, and mobile), the “command line” experience remains important, especially for software developers and computer-aided scientific researchers. Many development scenarios still require command line and fluency in Unix tools, including the modern embedded, cloud, cybersecurity, and supercomputing environments. With mobile computing and Internet of Things, Unix (via Linux) has risen to the level of a ubiquitous platform, owing to its lightweight and open-source nature. While this course does not aim at being a comprehensive programming class, students will master basic programming skills using shell scripting. They will also learn about problem-solving using Unix commands supported by shell scripts.
Please refer to Sakai for having access to the materials, assignments, quizzes, announcements, grading, and progress of the course. This page is static and will not be updated.
Help with Homework #7
Hints were given here.
This course is offered in multiple sessions with the following leading and contributing LUC instructors (Fall 2022):
- John O’Sullivan
- Nathan Hishon
- Allan Miller
- David Wetzel
- Shots, W. The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition. No Starch Press Book, 2019. Available at https://linuxcommand.org/.